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Hays & Clear Vision Gas Pumps WE BUY!

Wichita Gas Pumps

Buying Wichita, KS Gas Pumps 1920's-1930's

So why would we want old antique gas pumps made in Wichita, KS? The reason is we are located in Wichita and we also enjoy preserving local history. The Clear Vision Pump Company and Hayes Equipment Companies both made visible and later "clock face" gas pumps. We are generally always interested in buying antique gas pumps by these two manufactures.

Call / Text 316-371-1828


Crouse's Clear Vision Pump Co.

The Clear Vision Pump Company was located in Wichita, KS. Making gas pumps during the 1920's and 1930's, this company used the slogan See What You Pay For. Many Clear Vision gas pumps have a glass cylinder on the top capped off with a metal top. The body of the pump is sheet metal, usually tapered and wrapping around the gas pump. They also produced some that were four sided. There will be a identification tag with the Clear Vision Pump Co model and serial number. When contacting us, please let us know the model # on the tag. Please note, there was a different Clear Vision company that made gas pumps in Canada as well - totally different company.


Usually we are focused on buying un-restored Clear Vision pumps, the kinds found in barns, garages and farms. Regardless of the pumps condition, we are always interested in seeing what you have and letting you know what we can pay. We are located in Wichita, KS and will travel for 1 pump or a grouping.


Call / Text 316-371-1828 or email


Hayes Equipment Mfg. Co.

The Hayes Equipment Manufacturing Company was located in Wichita, KS. This company is known for their "oil derrick" shaped gas pumps, like the one shown right. While this model was a big seller for Hayes, they also produced a number of other styles of visible and clock face gas pumps. Hayes pumps will usually have a cast iron access door with their name clearly visible. There will also be a brass ID tag with the pumps model number. If readable, when contacting us please note this #.


Usually we are focused on buying un-restored Hayes gas pumps, like the one shown to the right. Regardless of the pumps condition, we are always interested in seeing what you have and letting you know what we can pay. We are located in Wichita, KS and will travel for 1 pump or a grouping.


Call / Text 316-371-1828 or email


Wichita Pump Company

The Wichita Pump Company, as their name implies was located in Wichita, KS. This company operated in the 1920's. Their gas pumps generally always look like a Hayes gas pump with the exception of the cast iron access door. The door will have the raised Wichita Pump Company on it. The gas pump will be the four sided oil derrick style. It's generally assumed either Hayes purchased this company or they made pumps and were then marketed by Wichita Pump. Regardless, we are interested in purchasing gas pumps made by this Kansas company.

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